Having gone through the vRA and vRB installations recently, I encountered a couple of errors where the resolution wasn’t immediately apparent, so wanted to do a super quick post as there wasn’t much information out there about these.
I apologise for the lack of screenshots as I was not in a position to grab any.
vRA Error
When logging onto any tenant, I was presented with a “submit” button and an error code with no other options.
If I was able to get past this error, clicking on the infrastructure tab resulted in a “Error 401 User not authorised”
vRB Error
The status of the vRA connectivity displayed the error “null:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING;” with the solution of “Check the API”
The Simple Solution
I admit this was a real easy resolution but i found the error messages really didn’t help. So what was the cause? Time! The appliances are super sensitive to time drift, and one of the hosts time was not syncing correctly (due to a firewall change), so there was a drift of around 65 seconds.
By correcting the time, and rebooting the appliances all began to work like it should. As you can imagine given this was a late night find, I am glad it was as something as simple as this, and hope this article saves you to time should you experience it.
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